


春季養生 夏季養生 秋季養生 冬季養生 男人養生 女人養生 中年養生 老年養生 房室養生 名人養生 道經養生
湯水保健 粥類保健 產後保健 小兒保健 妊娠保健 齋廚保健 藥膳保健 按摩保健 氣功保健 功夫保健 藥酒保健


作者/來源:本站 整理:四時養生保健網 日期:21-11-2016

  • 請問日咳,夜又咳煲乜湯飲好,吾该!
  • May I ask, on the night cough cough again what pot soup drinking good, not that!
  • 桔餅、南北杏、麥棗、加果皮
  • North Orange cake, Apricot, Michael John, plus the skin
  • 試吓熟.燉橙。
  • Try it cooked. Orange stew.
  • 咳分寒咳(舌苔白,痰係稀、白,伴有鼻塞鼻涕)、熱咳(舌苔黃、紅,痰黃、稠,喉嚨痛),咳得耐或者反復咳又唔同對待。首先要分係乜咳先可以對症下藥。

    Cold cough cough sub (Coated White, phlegm, faculty-White, with a stuffy nose, hot snot) cough (Coated Yellow, Red, yellow, thick phlegm, sore throat, cough) so or don't cough again repeated the same treatment. First of all want? Can prescribe cough first.
    Cold cough can sang jiāng hóng + Sugar + garlic tóu 2-3 Grain Cooker Water 2 words after drinking.
    Rè cough can stewed pears + chuan bèi + rock candy
  • 健脾,吃山药小米粥 ,可以艾灸天突,肺俞等穴位。

    Kin Spleen, eat yam millet porridge, can moxibustion day Tunisia, Lung Yu Acupressure, etc.